Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Seems like ages has gone by. Still haven't wathced Scy-Fy channel. I am now a regular viewer on the BBCAmerica channel and of course. the Science channel as well. It hasn't been hard to keep my boycott going on. After a few weeks I almost forgot about Sly-FY. It has been such a great learning curve about what I really want to see and what is out there. Great writers are hidden from the public by the tough, rich execs who never give a damn about us, the viewers. I have had time to look back and research just how many wrongs the networks have done to us. We find a show we love and it is cut and replaced by some shit I never had reason to watch. Don't just throw around ideas in the hope some nitch in society is covered by your demographically driven projections of what your equations try to make you believe. Maybe, now that time has passed, you can rethink your destructive ways and return to the good ol days of real story lines that catch our attention. We don't need young, good looking actors just because you think the older crowd is fading. when much of your audience are the viewers who have been around and have enough clout to have a say. You don't listen but keep shoving crap out like it is going out of style. To all of you that believe great writing can be shown on the Television, stop, write some shit, and give it to every exec you can lay your demands on. Tell them you have had enough and want a say in what goes on behind the ever decreasing scene.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Save Caprica! BOYCOTT NBC AND CBS - Caprica

Save Caprica! BOYCOTT NBC AND CBS - Caprica

Boycott NBC & CBS advertising

Save Caprica! I have an idea. I am currently boycotting ALL merchandise advertised on NBC and CBS until Caprica is back. Any product I see on NBC or CBS is on my ”DO NOT BUY! list”. If the execs care only for money, how would they feel if no one advertises on their network because of a boycott. Pass this along and give it a good think over. (><)